Main Street organizations follow the Main Street Four-Point Approach™. The assets common to all historic commercial districts are heritage and human assets. Heritage assets encompass both built and cultural history. Human assets encompass both entrepreneurs (local/independent owner-operators) and an engaged public (locals with a sense of ownership/buy-in). The Main Street Four-Point Approach™ has the most impact when it leverages all four assets together.
People are at the center of the Main Street movement. We are volunteer-driven with volunteers mobilized through committees or teams that reflect the Main Street Approach™. Everyone with a stake in the commercial district and its future are important to Main Street. Merchants, property owners, the chamber of commerce, industries, local government, and residents all benefit from a healthy local economy and historic core that reflects the community’s heritage and personality. The success of the Main Street organization depends on local buy-in, people care about their downtown and want to get involved like YOU.